All posts by Grégory

Deuxième danse – Live at L’An Vert

The 10th Feb, Jesus is my son played in Liège at L’An Vert. The concert was recorded and filmed. Three songs will be extracted and put on youtube. The song ‘Deuxième danse’ from the new album ‘Faust et L’Enfer de Dante’, one improvisation and a ‘freely interpreted’ cover of ‘A Woman Can Take You to Another Universe; Sometimes She Just Leaves You There ‘ from ‘Stranger Than Paradise OST’.

Happy new year !

Jesus is my son will give three concerts in a near future:

The 21st January at Magasin 4 (Brussels) with Andy Moor & Anne-james Chaton (FR/NL) and Quasi Una Fantasia – click

The 29th January at Cinema Galerie (Brussels). This is a special concert. I will play music based on Jim Jarmusch’s movies – click

The 10th February at L’An Vert (Liege) with Noria – click

The album ‘Faust et l’Enfer de Dante’ is on the way and should be released in February. More information soon !!!

Some news about Jesus is my son

A release party was organized at l’Eau Chaude (Brussels) the 21st of October. You were a lot ! Thank you.

Some concerts are set up for early 2017 including a special performance on soundtrack of Jim Jarmusch’s movies. all information is available on the website of cinema Galerie.

One track of the incoming album on Cheap Satanism Records is available on Bandcamp .

I did a ‘carte blanche’ during the broadcast of Kool strings. It can be listened on mixcloud.

More releases are available on bandcamp

Three albums have been uploaded on Bandcamp and all are free downloadable.

First, it is a personal album made in 2010. Mostly with drum machine and noise ideas.

Second, we have the Y.E.R.M.O. album.  The most radical/dark album made by this duo/trio.

Finally, the release made by the American band Arklight. The album sounds like if Sonic Youth where giving a concert in a small private flat in NY.

Release party – Sacrifices Odieux revisited

Pour les English: see below.

Salut Tout le monde,
Une news pour vous annoncer les nouvelles passées, présentes et futurales.

Passée lointain:
La plupart des sorties de FF HHH se trouvent sur bandcamp. Le bandcamp est ici: clic-clac

Passée proche:
L’album ‘Prairie, Maison, Campagne’ de Derrick Baleze est sorti. Il est téléchargeable gratuitement sur bandcamp. Profitez-en !
Le concert du samedi 9 mai au placard a été enregistré et est écoutable ici: clic-clac-boum . Le début est un peu catastrophique mais après 10 minutes c’est mieux. C’est différent de d’habitude.

L’album ‘Sacrifices Odieux revisited’ de Jesus is my son est sorti. Il est disponible sur bandcamp et/ou commendable en m’envoyant un mail et/ou sur mandai. La sortie est triple: cassette+digital / enveloppe+digital / digital.
Une release party est prévue ce jeudi 14 mai à l’eau chaude (Bruxelles, Rue des Renards, 1000 BxHell). Toutes les infos sont ici: clic-clac-boum-tchi – Prix libre, possibilité de manger sur place, … L’événement facbook : on-enregistre-tout

Futur proche:

Un nouveau site regroupant le label FF HHH, Jesus Is My son et le reste va bientôt voir le jour. C’était déjà faussement le cas mais maintenant tout sera regroupé. Vive la technologie. Pour se donner une idée: tchin-tchin

Futur lointoin: (enfin pas trop j’espère)

Les tracks du placard ressemblent fort à ce que devrait donner un future possible de Jesus is my son. Avec accompagnateur peut être.


Hi folk!
A new about past, present and future.

FF HHH is on bandcamp: clic-clac .
Tha album ‘Prairie, Maison, Campagne’ of Derrick Baleze is released. Free downloadable on bandcamp.
The concert plays the 9 May of Jesus is My son was recorded. Clic-clac-boum . Forget the 10 first minutes..

Present: The album ‘Sacrifices Odieux revisited’ of Jesus is my son is released. Available on bandcamp and/or via mail or mandai. cassette+digital / envelope+digital / digital.
14th May is the release party at Eau Chaude (Bruxelles, Rue des Renards, 1000 BxHell). clic-clac-boum-tchi

Near future:
A new website for FF HHH is on the way. A small tast: tchin-tchin

Future but not really near:
The tracks from the concert of the 9th May may be a possible future for Jesus is my son. May be not alone.